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Call for Proposals-Camp Trans

Last year was a landmark year at Camp Trans!  This was the first time a openly transgendered woman was sold a ticket to attend the festival, the first time an openly transgendered woman was allowed to give a workshop on the land, and both actions were thanks to the organizers of Camp Trans!  We may have taken steps forward, but the competing press releases last summer only prove that our work isn't over.  There are still people who cloak their transphobia behind feminist politics and economic strength, and there is still a need to educate people concerning the fallacies in those arguments.


Camp Trans ‘07 will be held near Hart, Michigan on August 4-12, 2007. Join our annual gathering of transgender people and their allies as we educate festival-goers and support the building of a trans-inclusive community that is welcoming and safe for all, both on "the land" and off.   We'll also work to empower the next generation of activists to fight for trans issues in their own communities, advocate for the inclusion of trans issues in progressive, queer, and feminist movements by building coalitions with supportive organizations and of course continue to protest the exclusion of trans women from other women-only spaces.  

Each year Camp Trans holds workshops, trainings and caucuses around a variety of trans issues.  These sessions allow campers to share their knowledge, benefit from that of others and also have fun!   You can shape the experience of the many people who will pass thorough camp this year, and in doing so join a variety of others who have chosen to use their expertise to give something back.

We're looking for proposals from folks of every identity which address diverse topics such as tactics for local organizing and activism, how to be a good ally, hormones and surgery, relationships, employment, identity, and even flirting!   Hour and a half sessions can come in the form of a formal workshop, casual caucus or group activity.   

Please include in your proposal your name and pronoun preference (and that of any co-presenters), contact info (email and phone), the name of your session, a brief (under 200 words) description of your session including its goal and how it will be structured, a brief bio for each presenter (under 100 words) and if it is open to all attendees or closed to a specific population.   

Email your proposal to [email protected] as an attachment and put "CT workshop proposal" in the subject line.  The deadline for submissions is June 10th, 2007 (submissions received early may be given priority). We look forward to hearing from you!

Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 10:28AM by Dana | Comments Off